For the love of food and booze #productphotography#foodphotography#foodstyling#corporatephotography#corporatephotographygreece#productshotproductshooting#commercialphotography#alcoholphotography
Video Production for IEK DELTA Career Days 2019. #exposeprod #videoproduction #videoshooting #videoediting #bestteam #bestshooters #iekdelta #careerdays #corporatevideo #commercialvideo #commercialfilmaking
Video Production for YouTube Pulse Event #exposeprod #videoproduction #videoshooting #videoediting #bestteam #bestshooters #google #youtube #youtubepulse
Take a look of our latest corporate video productions! #exposeprod #videoproduction #videoshooting #videoediting #bestteam #bestshooters #corporatevideo
Backstage photos from video production with Katerina Zarifi, for technology devices and applications @ Ekpaideutiria Douka. #exposeprod #videoproduction #backstage #microsoft #plaisio #katerinazarifi #videoshooting #videoediting #bestshooters
silia Sep 07, 2018Blog, imageComments Off on Back to School with Katerina Zarifi: Video production for technology devicesRead More